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Vacancy Enquiry System for Respite Services / Emergency Placement ( VES )
Vacancy Enquiry System for Respite Services / Emergency Placement ( VES )
Home > Eligibility Criteria and Service Fee

Eligibility Criteria and Service Fee

Day Respite Service for the Elderly

Eligibility Criteria

Elderly persons are considered eligible for respite services if they are:

  1. Aged 60 or above;
  2. In need of general personal care and / or limited nursing care;
  3. Suitable for communal living, e.g. without aggressive or violent behaviour; and
  4. Not suffering from contagious disease.


Fee (fee-charging as at December 2021)

Day Care Centres / Units for the Elderly: $41.5 per day
The rate of fees depends on the number of service days, and may be revised annually.


